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Tag: window replacement

windows for a house
New Windows

6 Common Signs You Need New Windows for a House

As of 2022, you can expect to pay an average of over $350,000 for a home in the United States. As time goes on, the price of real estate will continue to increase. Part of owning a home, however, is properly maintaining it. This means you should be on the lookout for anything they need

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Cracked Windows
New Windows

When Should You Replace Cracked Windows?

On average, windows only last around 20 years. After that, they will start to fall apart, and they may not be able to protect the inside of your house as well as before. This is especially true when it comes to cracked windows.  Cracks can happen at any time in a window’s life. They may

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window replacement near me
Window Replacement

Window Replacement Near Me: How To Choose the Best Company

According to the market research firm Key Media & Research, the window and door industry in the US was worth $23.5 billion in 2021.  If you’re thinking of making your contribution to the figure for 2022, it pays to do a little research. You want your windows to get great quality, well-installed windows. Not a

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best windows
Window Replacement

How To Choose the Best Windows for Your Home

If you’re upside-down on your house, home improvement could solve your problem. Window replacement is a good choice, with a high return on investment. Buyers want new, reliable windows and pay premiums for homes that have them. New windows also keep warmth in and heat out. They lower heating and cooling bills in most cases.

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home window replacement
Window Replacement

Home Window Replacement: The Benefits of Hiring a Professional

The global windows and doors market reached a value of $153 billion in 2020. Windows don’t last forever, so there will always come a point where you need to replace yours. When this happens, many people ask whether they should have their home window replacement done by professionals, or if they should do it themselves. A

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